Mission, Vision, and Values


91制片厂 provides accessible and affordable educational opportunities for academic, technical, workforce training and life-long learning for the Potomac Highlands regional community.

To achieve this mission, 91制片厂:

  • provides programs and courses of instruction, through the associate-degree level, that encompass occupational-technical education, transfer education, general education, literacy and developmental education, and continuing education;
  • implements workforce development and customized training programs that advance individual career development while meeting employers' needs for a highly skilled workforce;
  • serves as a vital link between secondary education and four-year colleges and universities; provides appropriate post-secondary courses to students in partner secondary schools;
  • provides innovative student support services that promote holistic development and student success;
  • provides a broad range of instructional technologies, methods, materials, facilities, and instructional support services that promote learning;
  • maintains an educational environment that broadens perspectives, promotes global awareness, and leads to responsible citizenship;
  • enriches local communities by making available resources in people, facilities, and programming;
  • serves as a catalyst in helping to shape the direction of communities in the college's region of responsibility;
  • enhances economic, cultural, and educational development through partnerships between the college and local communities; and ensures a healthy and safe environment at each of the college's instructional locations.


91制片厂 enriches the Potomac Highlands regional community through a range of innovative programs and services that exemplify community college values and achieve the community college mission.


In its institutional attitudes, policies, practices, and activities, 91制片厂 is committed to:


  • Education is accessible, by geographic location or delivery through technology, and affordable to residents throughout the College's region of responsibility.
  • The College maintains an open door admission policy.
  • The College accepts and values all learners; we seek and welcome diverse students, and provide a nurturing environment.
  • Student support services assure opportunity through student-friendly intake and orientation activities, timely provision of financial aid, and positive interaction from initial contact with students through achievement of their goals.

Quality Teaching and Lifelong Learning

  • Academic offerings meet the needs of students for learning skills, for career related education and training, and for personal growth.
  • The College celebrates and promotes lifelong learning by providing learning opportunities that are relevant to all students.
  • Learner-centered instruction recognizes different learning styles and is supported by use of appropriate technology.
  • The results of continuous learning outcomes assessment improve instruction, focus and drive faculty development, and ensure that teaching and learning is relevant and of high quality.


  • The College is open and honest in its relations with students, employees, and its partners.
  • The College confirms the community college mission as its central purpose.
  • The College affirms that all employees contribute to institutional mission accomplishment, either by teaching or by supporting teaching and learning.
  • The College rewards initiative, creativity, and teamwork in the positive resolution of institutional problems and advancement of a common organizational agenda.
  • The College models its commitment to diversity in all areas of its institutional life: students, employees, governance, and supportive entities and relationships.
  • In its operations and activities, the College demonstrates financial responsibility and accountability.


  • The College promotes a broad sense of community that breaks down barriers and encourages collaborative attitudes and action.
  • The College collaborates and partners with public schools, other educational providers, business and industry, labor, government, and arts and cultural organizations to serve students, support economic and community development, and enhance opportunities for cultural growth.
  • In its teaching and learning and its learner support activities, the College recognizes and promotes student awareness and knowledge of regional, national, and global interdependence.

Continuous Improvement

  • The College continuously assesses its policies and practices and scans the external environment to ground its planning and to improve institutional efficiency and effectiveness.
  • The College encourages and supports employees' efforts to improve job skills, to maintain technological currency, and to develop professionally.
  • The College procures and effectively applies technology to its operations and processes.