Policies and Regulations
91ÖÆƬ³§'s Board of Governors hasÌýapproved and adoptedÌý to govern 91ÖÆƬ³§'s operations and procedures.ÌýProposed policies are postedÌýfor a 30-day period ofÌýpublic comment prior to their adoption. 91ÖÆƬ³§'s operations and procedures are also governed by the policies of theÌý, andÌýare in accordance with those ofÌý.
Internal Policies
91ÖÆƬ³§'s Board of Governors has officially approved and adopted the following policies:
- BP-2.1 Prime Policy (rev. August 2019)
- BP 2.2 Board of Governors Organization and MeetingsÌý(rev. April 2019)
- BP-3.1 Grade Point Average for Associate Degrees
[Please Note: This policy terminated as of 1/18/12 by the Board of Governors.] - BP-3.2 Awarding of Undergraduate Fee Waivers (rev. August 2019)
- BP-3.3 Submission of Proposals for New Academic Programs (rev. August 2019) New Academic Programs Form 1
New Academic Programs Form 2 - BP-3.4 Standards and Requirements for Admission (rev. April 2023)
- BP-3.5 Pre-matriculations Requirements for Measles and Rubella Immunizations (rev. January 2017)
- BP-3.6 General Education CurriculumÌý(replaced by Administrative Regulation 3.17)
- BP-3.7 Acceptance of Advanced Placement Credit (rev. January 2017)
- BP-3.8 Academic Honors (rev. January 2018)
- BP-3.9 Administrative Withdrawal (replaced by Administrative Regulation 3.15)
- BP-3.10 Catalog Adherence (rev. April 2019)
- BP-3.11 Compliance with Military Selective Service Act (rev. May 2024)
- BP-3.12 Graduation Requirements (rev. June 2024)
- BP-3.13 Awarding of Credit Through Assessment of Prior Learning (rev.May 2024)
- BP-3.14 Standards for the Awarding Continuing Education Units (CEUs) (rev. September 2020)
- BP-3.15 Assessment of Student Academic Achievement (rev. July 2017)
- BP-3.16 Instructional Workload (rev. October 2019)
- BP- 3.17 Academic Program Review
- BP-3.18 Required Instructional Time for Campus Administrators (rev. October 2018)
- BP-3.19 Academic Forgiveness (rev. September 2020)
- BP-3.20: Copyright, Intellectual Property and Fair Use (rev. April 2021)
- BP-3.21ÌýCredit Hour PolicyÌý(rev. June 2013)
- BP-4.2 Student and Academic Rights (rev. September 2017)
- BP-4.3 Student Rights and Responsibilities (rev. September 2017)
- BP-4.4 On-Campus Credit Card Solicitation and Marketing
- BP-4.5 Student PrivacyÌý (rev. April 2023)
- BP-4.6 Student Complaints (Please note: Board Policy 4.6 was repealed and replaced by BP 5.17 on December 2023)
- BP-4.7 Ten Credit for Web Course Enrollment Rule (Please note: Board Policy 4.7 was terminated on August 12, 2014.)
- BP-4.8 Ethics For Recruitment in Admissions (New November 2023)
- BP-5.1 Sexual Harassment (Please note: Board Policy 5.1 was repealed and replaced by BP 5.17 on December 2023)
- BP-5.2 Sabbatical Leave (rev. February 2020)
- BP-5.3 Holidays (rev. March 2020)
- BP-5.4 Staff Development (rev. October 2019)
- BP-5.5 Faculty Development (rev. February 2021)
- BP-5.6 Human Resources Administration (rev. July 2020)
- BP-5.7 Employee Leave (rev. March 2020)
- BP-5.8 Ethics (rev. March 2020)
- BP-5.9 Personnel Administration
- BP-5.10 Salary Plan (repealed July 2020)
- BP-5.11 External Employment and Entrepreneurship Reporting (repealed December 2023)
- BP-5.12 Access to Personnel Files (rev. March 2020)
- BP-5.13 Academic Rank for Fulltime Faculty (rev. March 2020)
- BP 5.14: Salary Schedule for Full-time Faculty Policy (rev. February 2020)
- BP-5.15 Adjunct Faculty Policy (rev. February 2020)
- BP-5.16ÌýEmploying & Evaluating Presidents & Emergency Succession (rev. September 2022)
- BP-5.17 Social Justice, Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action, Nondiscrimination/Harassment/Sexual Harassment, Accommodations and Consensual Relationships (new December 2023)
- BP-6.1 Change in the Organization of Administrative Units (rev. November 2021)
- BP-6.2 Naming or Renaming of Buildings or Organizational Units (rev. February 2020)
- BP-6.3 Alcoholic Beverages on Campus (rev. December 2024)
- BP-6.4 Use of Institutional Facilities
- BP-6.5 Appropriate Computer Usage
- BP-6.6 Equal Opportunity, Non-Discrimination, and Affirmative ActionÌý (Please note: Board Policy 6.6 was repealed and replaced by BP 5.17 on December 2023)
- BP-6.7 Freedom of InformationÌý (rev. August 2019)
- BP-6.8 Safety and Loss Control Prevention
- BP-6.9 Hiring of Related Parties PolicyÌý (rev. August 2019)
- BP-6.10 Tobacco-Free Campus Policy
- BP-6.11 Firearms Weapons ÌýExplosives Policy
- BP-6.12 Military Student Withdrawal
- BP-6.13 Security of Information Technology
- BP-6.14ÌýAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (rev. December 2024)
- BP-6.15 Social MediaÌý(new October 2020)
- BP-6.16 Deadly Weapons and Dangerous Objects (new June 2024)
- BP-7.1 Reduced Tuition and Fee Program for State Residents Age 65 and Older
- BP-7.2 Assessment, Payment and Refund of Fees (rev. February 2021)
- BP-7.4 Fiscal Responsibilities of the Board (rev. October 2020)
- BP-7.5 Travel Management (rev. February 2020)
- BP-7.6 Financial Reserves and Year End Fund Balance (rev. February 2021)
- BP-7.7 Accounts Receivable Management
- BP-7.8 Depreciation (rev. February 2021)
- BP-7.9 Management of Student Accounts Receivables (rev. April 2023)
- BP-7.10 Gifts Received
- BP-7.11 Disposal of Surplus or Obsolete Materials, Supplies and Equipment
- BP-7.12 Purchasing Card (rev. March 2021)
- BP -7.13: Textbook Policy (rev. January 2017)
- BP-7.14 Capital Projects Policy
- BP-7.15 Employee Tuition and Fee Waiver Program (rev. October 2024)
West Virginia State Higher Education Policies
Administrative Regulations are developed as operational processes, and in many instances, they support policies. (Forms related to the regulations are not included.) Hard copies of regulations and associated forms are available for review in the Resource Area (Room 102) at 91ÖÆƬ³§'s Main Campus in Moorefield. 91ÖÆƬ³§'s Board of Governors has officially approved and adopted the following regulations.
- AR-3.1 Brokered Credit Course Selection and Approval Process (rev. August 2019)
- AR-3.2 Workforce Education Program Type Definition and Participant Classification (rev. September 2022)
- AR-3.3 Laboratory Facility Evaluation and Approval (rev. August 2019)
- AR-3.4 Faculty Instructional Evaluation (rev. November 2020)
- AR-3.5 Course Substitution Waiver Regulation (rev. May 2024)
- AR-3.6 Schedule Development & Production (rev. August 2019)
- AR-3.7 Curriculum Design and Recommendation (rev. April 2020)
- AR-3.8 Course Syllabus Regulation (rev. April 2019)
- AR-3.9 Special Topics Course Regulation (rev. April 2016)
- AR-3.10 General Education Course Designation (rev. August 2019)
- AR-3.11 Requirements for Student Enrollment in the College Success Course (rev. December 2023)
- AR 3.12: Instructional Workload Regulation (rev. October 2019)
- AR 3.13: WV EDGE Course Review Process (rev. August 2019)
- AR 3.14: Developmental Course Requirements for Certificate Programs and Skill Sets [Please note: Administrative Regulation 3.14 was terminated March 22, 2016.]
- AR 3.15: Administrative Withdrawal Ìý[Please note: Administrative Regulation 3.15 was terminated January 8, 2013.]
- AR-3.16: Academic Standing Regulation (rev. April 2019)
- AR 3.17:ÌýGeneral EducationÌýRegulation (rev. April 2023)
- AR 3.19 Online Course-Design Approval and MonitoringÌý(rev. January 2024)
- AR 3.20 Catalog Development and Production Regulation (new August 2019)
- AR 3.21 Guidelines for the Granting of Honorary Degrees (new October 2019)
- AR 3.22 Master Course Record (MCR) Regulation (new March 2021)
- AR-4.1: Coaching Selection and CompensationÌý(rev. September 2020)
- AR-4.2: Change of Grade Regulation (rev. September 2020)
- AR-4.3: Grading and Grade Point Average Regulation (rev. October 2020)
- AR-4.4: Process for Dealing With Suicide - Prevention, Intervention, and Post-Intervention (rev. March 2018)
- AR-4.5: Evaluation of Traditional Transfer Credit and Prior Learning Assessment (rev. November 2020)
- AR-4.6: Evaluation of College-Level Examination Program (new April 2022)
AR-5.2 Part-Time Hiring Procedures (rev. April 2014)
AR-5.3 Annual Leave Usage (rev. February 2020)
AR-5.4 Workforce Education Non-Credit Instructional Personnel Pay Rate (rev. September 2022)
AR-5.5 Workforce Education Non-Credit Instructional Personnel Selection Process (rev. September 2022)
AR-5.6 Sick and Emergency Leave Usage (rev. February 2020)
AR-5.7 Access To Personnel Files (rev. October 2019)
AR-5.8 Staff Professional Development (rev. October 2019)
AR-5.13 Employment Innovation and Flex Work Schedule (rev. October 2020)
AR-5.14 Evaluation For Full-Time Faculty Regulation (rev. November 2021)
AR-5.15 Rank and Promotion for Full-time FacultyÌý(rev. October 2020)
AR-5.16 Return to Work Regulation (rev. February 2020)
AR-5.17 HarassmentÌý (Please note: AR-5.17 was repealed and replaced by BP 5.17 - December 2023)
AR-5.18 Key Position Succession PlanningÌý(new October 2019)
AR-5.19 Classification, Recruitment, and Selection of EmployeesÌý(new February 2020)
AR-5.20 Verification of Student IdentityÌý(new October 2020)
AR-5.21 Compensation Standards and Practices (new August 2021)
AR-6.1 Employee Change of Address (rev. August 2019)
AR-6.2 Workforce Education Services Contracting Process (rev. September 2022)
AR-6.3 Notification During an Inclement Weather or Emergency Situation (rev. September 2022)
AR-6.5 Request for Use of College FacilitiesÌý(rev. August 2019)
AR-6.6 Access to College PropertyÌý(rev. April 2014)
AR-6.7 Information Technology DisposalÌý(rev. February 2020)
AR-6.8 Remote Access RegulationÌý(rev. February 2020)
AR-6.10 Data Center Access RegulationÌý(new March 2017)
AR-6.11 Mobile Device RegulationÌý(new March 2017)
AR-6.12 Server Virtualization RegulationÌý(new March 2017)
AR-6.13ÌýReview of Publications and Media for External AudiencesÌý(new February 2018)
AR-6.14 Electronic Signature Policy (new November 2018)
AR-6.15 Dress and GroomingÌý(new January 2019)
AR 6.16 Information SecurityÌý(new April 2019)
AR-6.17 Social Media Guidelines (new October 2020)
- AR-7.1 Inventory of College Assets
- AR-7.2 Community Education and Continuing Education Fee Collection and Refunds
- AR-7.3 Workforce Education Direct Cost Recovery (rev. September 2022)
- AR 7.4 Ordering and Receiving
- AR-7.7 Vendor Prompt Invoice Payment
- AR-7.8 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
- AR-7.9 Capitalization of College Assets
- AR-7.10 Purchase or Acquisition of Materials, Supplies, Equipment, Services or Printing (rev. December 2018)
- AR-7.11 Purchasing Card Manual (rev. March 2021)
- AR-7.12 Travel (rev. February 2020)
- AR-7.13 Credit Card Regulation (rev. September 2022)